Finnish consumer goods firm Fiskars has announced the beginning of restructuring talks with staff representatives which could ...
While Finland is expected to emerge from a recession later this year, according to the ministry's forecast, positive GDP ...
Intervention in youth and gang crime has been a target for the government after increased media coverage of the phenomenon in ...
Finland's government announced a number of cuts to education last week, including placing students on a separate — and less ...
The move was prompted by a significant decrease in visa applications following Finland's restriction on Russian citizens ...
A research team found that soil microbes are missing from the diet and the guts of many people, and that could have serious ...
Additionally, the paper noted that Sweden's defence policies have changed dramatically in recent years, citing the Älvsborg ...
If you have any questions or would like to share your thoughts, contact us via WhatsApp on +358 44 421 0909 or at ...
Googlen emoyhtiön Alphabetin osake lähti roimaan nousuun ennustettua paremman alkuvuoden seurauksena. Yhtiö kertoi torstaina ...
Hyvän tuloksen taustalla on erityisesti Microsoftin voimakas panostaminen tekoälyn kehittämiseen. Yrityksen pilvipalveluiden ...
Purjelautailija Jakob Eklund sekä 49er FX -purjehtijat Ronja Grönblom ja Veera Hokka ovat varmistaneet Suomelle olympiapaikat ...
Om allt går som planerat ska det redan i år gå att skicka ljud och video från månen med hjälp av Nokias G4-nät. Tekniken ska ...