Iran, Trump

During the meeting, Iran agreed to freeze its sensitive stock of near weapons-grade uranium enriched up to 60 percent. According to the IAEA, Tehran is the only non-nuclear weapon state to ...
tasked with the development of Iran’s nuclear program, has been found to be operating out of top sites used by Iran’s space program. Iran has hidden elements of its nuclear development ...
Iran later blasted the comments as “baseless” and “deceitful”. In December, Britain, Germany and France accused Tehran of growing its stockpile of high enriched uranium to “unprecedented ...
Under that deal, Iran limited its enrichment of uranium and drastically reduced its stockpile in exchange for the lifting of crushing, United Nations-backed economic sanctions. Trump ...
Grossi said last month that Iran had informed the International Atomic Energy Agency that it would "dramatically" accelerate enrichment of uranium to up to 60% purity, closer to the roughly 90% of ...
Iran is developing nuclear missiles with a range of 3,000km based on designs handed to the Islamic regime by North Korea, The Telegraph can disclose.