The U.S. tested nuclear weapons until the early 1990s. Since then, scientists have been using supercomputers and experiments ...
The military wanted to test the electromagnetic impacts of nuclear weapons in space. In 1962 they lit up the sky.
France-based nuclear start-up Naarea (Nuclear Abundant Affordable Resourceful Energy for All) Naarea has opened its ...
The voices of those of us who have already suffered the devastating and ongoing effects of nuclear weapons must be integral ...
Minutes after a magnitude 4.5 earthquake hit Iran on October 5, 2024, rumors swirled that it wasn’t natural—claims that ...
NASA and General Atomics tested the fuel by exposing it to temperatures up to 3,000 Kelvin (4,940 Fahrenheit or 2,727 Celsius ...
Currently, the state only has two operating nuclear power reactors, one of which is in Bay City. The reactor, which is called the South Texas Project Electric Generating Station, is about 90 miles ...
Texas A&M plans to be a test bed for small nuclear reactors that could help meet the state's skyrocketing electricity demand ...
Dave Crete’s story highlights the dangers of explosive nuclear testing (“Veteran telling the story of hidden health risks at Nevada Test Site,” Jan. 5). However, today, the consequences of ...
SEOUL--Tens of thousands of North Koreans and people in South Korea, Japan and China could be exposed to radioactive materials spread through groundwater from an underground nuclear test site ...
Three areas have been shortlisted to host a nuclear waste disposal site. Communities in Mid Copeland and South Copeland in ...
The Radiation Exposure Compensation Act provides a program that compensates individuals who become ill because of exposure to radiation from the United States’ development and testing of nuclear weapo ...