While some schools are starting to claw back some of the ground lost due to pandemic-era learning disruptions, but there's ...
New research drills down on poor student achievement, and notes some school districts that are beating the odds ...
New tests show Iowa's 4th, 8th graders scored at or above average in reading and math assessments compared to the rest of the ...
New results from a national exam find that America’s children have continued to lose ground on reading skills in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and have made little improvement in math.
American students’ reading skills have continued to decline since the COVID-19 pandemic, and their math skills have barely ...
There’s a widening achievement gap in this country and it has worsened since the pandemic, especially for grade eight,” said ...
Texas students' overall math scores dropped from 2022. But English learners and fourth-grade Black students did better than ...
While Mississippi did not make any major waves in math or reading in 2024 compared to 2022, scores in some categories did ...
Reading and math proficiency scores for Maine's 4th graders have fallen roughly 10 percentage points since 2019, ranking among the biggest drops nationwide. You are able to gift 5 more articles ...
Only 30% of eighth graders across the U.S. are proficient in reading, according to new data. But in the Diocese of Brooklyn, ...