Florida - Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
Florida er en delstat i USA.Den kaldes også Solskinsstaten og er en yndet tilbagetrækningsdestination for amerikanske pensionister.Floridas sandstrande strækker sig næsten 1200 km i denne, den fladeste delstat. Staten kaldes "The Sunshine State", fordi her næsten altid er varmt.
Florida – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
Florida (phát âm tiếng Anh: / ˈ f l ɒr ɪ d ə / ⓘ) là một tiểu bang ở đông nam bộ của Hợp chúng quốc Hoa Kỳ, giáp vịnh Mexico ở phía tây, giáp Alabama và Georgia ở phía bắc, giáp Đại Tây Dương ở phía đông, và ở phía nam là eo biển …
Orlando, Florida - Wikipedia
Orlando (/ ɔːr ˈ l æ n d oʊ / ⓘ or-LAN-doh) is a city in and the county seat of Orange County, Florida, United States.The city proper had a population of 307,573 at the 2020 census, making it the fourth-most populous city in Florida …
Florida – Wikipedia
Florida on Yhdysvaltain osavaltio, joka sijaitsee Pohjois-Amerikan itärannikolla pääosin niemimaalla, jonka läntisellä puolella on Meksikonlahti ja itäisellä puolella Atlantin valtameri.Kulttuurisesti ja historiallisesti sen katsotaan kuuluvan …
Vernon, Florida - Wikipedia
The approximate coordinates for the City of Vernon is located at (30.621699, –85.71 [6]Florida State Road 79 is the main route through the city, and leads north 12 mi (19 km) to Bonifay along Interstate 10 and southwest 18 mi (29 km) to Ebro.Another more local road, Florida State Road 277, begins in the city and leads northeast 16 mi (26 km) to Chipley, the Washington County …
Jasper, Florida - Wikipedia
Jasper is a city and the county seat of Hamilton County, Florida, United States.The population was 3,621 at the 2020 census. The Old Hamilton County Jail and the First United Methodist Church in Jasper are on the National Register of Historic Places.One of the largest industries is phosphate mining.
Gretna, Florida - Wikipedia
Gretna is a city in Gadsden County, Florida, United States.It is part of the Tallahassee, Florida Metropolitan Statistical Area.The majority of the population is African American, and as of the 2020 census, had 1,357 residents, down from …
Outline of Florida - Wikipedia
The location of the state of Florida in the United States of America. The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to the U.S. state of Florida: . Florida – third most populous and the southeasternmost of the 50 states of …
Florida – Vikipedija
Florida (angl. State of Florida) – 27-oji valstija, įsikūrusi JAV pietryčiuose. Didžioji valstijos dalis išsidėsčiusi pusiasalyje, kurio vakaruose yra Meksikos įlanka, o rytuose Atlanto vandenynas.Sostinė – Talahasis.Plotas – 170,5 tūkst. km².
Florida – Travel guide at Wikivoyage
Below is a selection of some of Florida's most notable cities. Other cities can be found under their specific regions. 1 Tallahassee – The state capital and thriving college town home to three schools, including Florida State; 2 Fort Lauderdale – The "Venice of America" with its expansive canal system, also known for beaches and boating; 3 Jacksonville – Sprawling city …
Florida – Wikipedia
Florida är en amerikansk delstat belägen i sydöstra USA.Florida gränsar till Mexikanska golfen i väst och delstaterna Alabama och Georgia i norr samt Atlanten i öst. Med en uppskattad befolkning på 19 890 000 av United States …
Florida - Wikiwand
Florida (/ ˈ f l ɒr ɪ d ə / American Spanish: ), is a state in the southeast part of the United States.It is the 22nd largest US state by total area with 65,757.70 sq mi (170,312 km 2) and the third most-populous with a 2020 population of more than 21 million. It is a peninsula, which means that water surrounds the state on three of four possible sides.To the west is the Gulf of Mexico, to ...
Florida – Wikipedie
Key West na jihu Floridy Metropolitní oblast Miami má přes 6,1 milionu obyvatel Kennedy Space Center. Florida (anglická výslovnost [ˈflɒrɪdə] IPA, oficiálně State of Florida) je stát nacházející se na jižním a východním pobřeží Spojených států amerických, v Jihoatlantské oblasti jižního regionu USA.Florida, která leží převážně na stejnojmenném poloostrově ...
Florida's 25th congressional district - Wikipedia
Florida's 25th congressional district is a congressional district in the Broward County area of Florida.In the 2020 redistricting cycle, it was drawn as a successor to the previous 23rd district and includes much of southern Broward County, including Weston, Davie, Pembroke Pines, Hollywood, and parts of Miramar and Plantation.The previous iteration of the 25th district, …