Reducing NOX emissions in gasoline engines. 1 - Eng-Tips
Jan 18, 2003 · In Houston, Texas the emissions testing for cars now includes a "dyno test" under load while measuring exhaust emissions. The "dyno" runs at low speed during the test and tends to load the engine as …
How to reduce NOx emissions on diesel engines. 3 - Eng-Tips
Jan 12, 2003 · 2: The whole point of the technique is to lower NOx by reducing combustion temperature. However, as soon as the nozzle ring gets a bit choked the exhaust temps rise along with the combustion temperature, and hey-presto your NOx is back up again. I know of a couple of cases where plants have had to be derated because of the problems.
water injection in gas turbines 1 - Eng-Tips
Aug 4, 2003 · “GE’s current, guaranteed minimum NOx emission levels for various control options. With steam or water-injection and single fuel natural gas, the LM2500 can guarantee NOx emissions as low as 15 ppm. For applications requiring even lower NOx levels, other means, such as selective catalytic reduction (SCR), must be used.”
Maximum pressure in a diesel engine - Eng-Tips
Oct 24, 2021 · Sometimes things got done to lower NOx output that had significant detrimental affects of fuel consumption, particulate and CO and CO2 emissions. Improvements in aftertreatment systems has helped that some, but finding getting and keeping an aftertreatment system working well and keeping an engine in compliance, especially engines with cyclic ...
NFPA 85 - Is there a Low Air Flow Trip at - Eng-Tips
May 11, 2009 · In addition, air quality regulations in some local areas require a reduction of NOx emissions from existing boilers. (b) To achieve these reductions, one or more of the following methods should be used: (1) Low excess air firing (i.e., less than the “normal” 10 percent to 25 percent excess air)
Fuel Consumption Issues - TIER 3 ENGINES 1 - Eng-Tips
Dec 7, 2002 · The cost of squeezing lower NOx emissions out of these engines results in the fuel consumption penalty. When I worked for the dealer, in the truck and industrial side we saw bare engine fuel consumption rates go up from 4% to 12%, the effect of installed aftertreaments systems made that even worse.
humidity and combustion - Heat Transfer & Thermodynamics
Dec 3, 2004 · I'm involved in a R&D project studying the influence of air humidity on combustion in a diesel engine and its impacts on the efficiency and emmissions. Does anybody know some work already done on this subject ? Thanks !
NOx Emissions From Large Stationary Engine 2 - Eng-Tips
Dec 6, 2006 · E.g. if you produce NOx with 90% NO, you will be "credited" with .1 * x + .9 * (46/30) x, or 1.48 g NOx emissions per 1.0 g NOx measured. So - you measure 100 g NOx, convert to 148 g NOx equivalent, and then you have to know how many hp-hr were used in generating that much NOx.
nox reduction / fuel consumption - Engine & fuel engineering
Jul 3, 2010 · Advance doesn't directly cause NOx, temperature causes NOx. The rate of the NOx generating reaction is exponential with temperature (as are many reactions). The peak temperature within the chamber virtually defines the amount of NOx created, because all the lower temperatures in the combustion chamber (in time or geometry) do not contribute ...
Intake Air Humidity - Engine & fuel engineering | Eng-Tips
Oct 2, 2007 · The sensor is for NOx control - not fuel economy. Higher humidity, better trade off between NOx & peak cylinder pressure (spark advance). BTW generally in a throttled engine EGR often increases FE. XXXLR8R The water molecules/vapour/steam will pass through the combustion system and out of the exhaust pipe.