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  1. Favorite film directed by John Cassavetes - the Data Lounge

  2. Apartment 7A streaming — poorly reviewed - the Data Lounge

  3. Is Brian de Palma really a great director? - the Data Lounge

  4. "The mystery of Molly Ringwald, the 80s star who abandoned her …

  5. John Huston in Chinatown - the Data Lounge

  6. Legit question about Jon-Erik Hexum and the ‘Rust’ set shooting …

  7. South Carolina: Bullies sneak into ICU to snap photos of 12-year …

  8. Oxford’s finest: Morse … Lewis … Endeavour - the Data Lounge

  9. 2001: A Space Odyssey on TCM - the Data Lounge

  10. Why do people worship Ronald Reagan? - the Data Lounge