NY Alert | NY Alert
NY-Alert contains critical, emergency-related information including instructions and recommendations in real-time by emergency personnel. Information may include severe weather warnings, significant highway closures, hazardous material spills and other emergency conditions.
About - NY Alert
NY-Alert warns residents of New York State of critical information/emergencies and provides timely information to protect lives. Sign up for NY-Alert today to receive real-time warnings and emergency information directly via phone call, email, text message or fax.
Sign Up for NY Alert | NY Alert
NY-Alert is New York State’s Mass Notification System used to warn residents of emergencies and critical information in a timely manner to help protect lives and keep New Yorkers safe. By signing up for NY-Alert, you can receive warnings and emergency information via the web, your cell phone, email and other technologies.
NYS Employee Alerts | NY Alert
The New York State Employee Alerts program is designed for use by New York State Agencies and Authorities to promptly communicate information to their employees for issues related to their work locations.
Empire State Animal Response Team - NY Alert
The Empire State Animal Response Team (ESART) Program supports the prevention of, preparedness for, response to, and recovery from emergencies affecting animals in New York State.